


  • 胸腔外科手術
  • 胸腔內視鏡手術
  • 氣胸及膿胸外科手術
  • 肺癌及食道癌外科手術
  • 重大外傷手術
  • 外傷肋骨骨折復位固定手術
  • 胸腔暨重症醫學相關疾病診斷及處理。
  • 團法人彰化基督教醫院 外科住院醫師 1996/7/15~2000/6/30財團法人彰化基督教醫院 外科住院醫師.總醫師2000/7/01~2001/6/30財團法人彰化基督教醫院
  • 胸腔外科住院醫師、總醫師1999/07/01~2001/6/30
  • 台北榮民總醫院 胸腔外科研究醫師 2002/3/1~2002/5/31
  • 財團法人彰化基督教醫院 胸腔外科研究醫師 2001/7/1~2001/12/31
  • 財團法人彰化基督教醫院 外傷中心主治醫師 2002/1/1~2003/5/31
  • 台中市澄清醫院中港分院 胸腔外科主治醫師 2003/6/1~2007/8/30
  • 台中市澄清醫院中港分院 胸腔外科主任 2007/9/1~今
  • 台中市澄清醫院中港分院 醫學教育研究部協同主任2007/11/1~今
  • 台中市澄清醫院中港分院 院長室主任秘書 2015/12/1~2017/11/09
  • 台中市澄清醫院中港分院 外科部 主任 2017/11/10~今
  • 高雄醫學院醫學系畢業(July 1,1994),高醫大字第 830070 號醫師證書,醫字第 028722 號
  • 專技高考及格 (86)專高字第 2452 號
  • 亞洲大學健康管理研究所畢業(June, 2007),亞洲碩證字第94301021 號
  • 中山醫學大學醫學研究所博士班畢業(January, 2019)(107)博字第0004 號
  1. Lin TS, Fang HY, Cheng CY, Wu CY, Lai CY, Ting YL: Transthoracic EndoscopicSympathectomy for Palmar and Axillalry Hyperhidrosis (analysis of 1600 cases). Formosan J Surg 1999;32:76-83
  2. Lin TS, Fang HY, Lai CY. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Thymectomy for MyastheniaGravis:Analysis of 20 cases. Formosan J Surg 2000;33:112-118
  3. Lai CY, Lin TS, Hou CT. A New Method to Treat Recurrent Palmar Hyperhidrosis:
    Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathetic Block by Clipping. Changhua Med 2001:6:125-1294. Lin TS,
  4. Lai CY, Hou CT.Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathetic Block Using Clippingfor
    Palmar and Axillary Hyperhidrosis. Formosan J Surg 2001;34:189-197
  5. Lin TS, Lai CY, Hou CT, Heieh KC.Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Colon MobilizationforEsophageal Reconstruction: A Case Report. Changhua Med 2001:6:267-270
  6. 賴重佑;謝坤洲;侯振泰;江友馨;方信元;鄭清源;林同森 A New Method to Treat RecurrentPalmar Hyperhidrosis: Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathetic Block by Clipping (one CaseReport).Changhua Med 2001:6:125-129
  7. Lin TS, Wang NP, Lai CY. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic T2 Sympathetic BlockbyClipping for Palmar Hyperhidrosis: Analysis of 52 Cases. J Laparoendosc Adv SurgTechA.2001 Apr;11(2):59-62
  8. Lai CY, Lin TS, Cheng CY. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Early Cancer of theThoracic Esophagus. Changhua Med 2002:7:201-206
  9. Lin TS, Lai CY, Hsieh KC. Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Mobilization of StomachviaGelPort for Esophageal Reconstruction in Patients with Esophageal Injury:Report of FiveCases. Formosan J Surg 2002:35:188-192
  10. Cheng CY, Fang HY, Lai CY. Carcinoma of the Esophagus Developing at the Site of Stricture after Acid Ingestion: A Case Report. Changhua Med 2002:7:112-117
  11. Lai CY, Lin TS, Cheng CY. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Lobectomy for LocalizedRML Bronchiectasis. Thorac Med 2003;18:9-14
  12. 侯振泰;謝坤洲;林同森;陳宗銘;賴重佑;吳金燕;張靖苓;方信元;鄭清源Contralateral
    Bullae in Patients with Unilateral Primary Recurrent Spontaneous Pneumothorax. ThoracMed 2003;18:15-19
  13. Lin TS, Kuo SJ, Lai CY. Combination of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic SurgeryandHand-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery for Early Cancer of the Thoracic Esophagus. J Int
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  14. Lin TS, Lai CY, Ho MC. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Lobectomy for Right MiddleLobe Bronchiectasis. J Int Surg 2004;89:136-139
  15. Wang YC, Lai CY. Case Report: Mediastinal Thymic Cyst. Cheng Ching Medical Journal2009; 5(2): 47-50
  16. Lai CY, Tsai WC, Kung PT, Cheng CY, Fang HY. Changes in Quality of Life at Five- year Follow-up and Factors Associated with Receiving a Thoracoscopic Sympathectomyfor Hyperhidrosis Patients. Cheng Ching Medical Journal 2011; 7(2): 9-18
  17. Chen CM, Hsieh YH, Hwang JM, Jan HJ, Hsieh SC, Lin SH, Lai CY. Fisetin suppressesADAM9 expression and inhibits invasion of glioma cancer cells through increasedphosphorylation of ERK1/2. Tumor Biology 2015; 36:3407-3415
  18. Lai CY, Chang WS, Hsieh YH, Hsu CM, Tsai CW, Chen AC, Wang CH, Bau DT. Association of Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 Genotypes with Lung Cancer Riskin Taiwan. Anticancer Research 2016; 36:155-160
  19. Lai CY, Chen CM,Hsu WH,Hsieh YH,Liu CJ.Overexpression of Endonthelial Cell- specific Molecule 1Correlates with Gleason Score and Expression of Androgen Receptor in Prostate Carcinoma. Int J Med Sci.2017 Sep 30;14(12):1263-1267
  20. . Chung Yu Lai,Chia Chen Huang,Chin Hung Tsai,Jiun Yao,Wang,Chin Ling Kerr,Yi YuChen,Yan Wei Cai,Ruey Hong Wong.The DNA Methyltransferase 3B-149 GeneticPolymorphism Modulates Lung Cancer Risk from Smoking. Asian Pac J Cancer
  21. Lai CY, Kerr CL,Huang CC,Chen CC,Tsai CH,Tang YM,Chen PY,Chen YR,WongRH.Genetic polymorphism of catechol-O-methyltransferase modulates the associationofgreen tea consumption and lung cancer.Eur J Cancer Prev.2019;28(4):316-322.
  22. Chien TW, Lai CY, Huang SS, Tsai LY, Tsai MC, Tsay SL.Cancer pain and lower
    functional status predict poor trajectories of symptom and fatigue distress in patients withlung cancer.Eur J Cancer Care (Engl).2021;.30(3):https://doi.org/10.1111/ecc.13403
  23. Chen J-L, Lai C-Y, Ying T-H, Lin C-W, Wang P-H, Yu F-J, Liu C-J, Hsieh Y- H.Modulating the ERK1/2–MMP1 Axis through Corosolic Acid Inhibits MetastasisofHuman Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells.Int. J. Mol. Sci .2021;22:https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22168641

