


  • 肺部、氣管、食道、縱膈腔及胸壁腫瘤、膿胸、氣胸及胸壁畸形(漏斗胸,雞胸)、胸部創傷/肋骨骨折等各類胸腔疾病
  • 胸腔鏡及腹腔鏡微創手術
  • 達文西機器人微創手術
  • 台灣大學醫學院醫學士

  • 前台大醫院胸腔外科部總醫師

  • 台大醫院外科部胸腔外科兼任主治醫師及臨床教師

  • 日本東京國立癌症醫學中心研究醫師

  • 彰化秀傳紀念醫院外科加護病房主任

  • 秀傳醫療社團法人秀傳紀念醫院 胸腔外科 主任

  • 台大醫學系 
  • 中興組織工程暨再生醫學博士班

1.Li CY, Chang YL, Chen WC, Lee YC. Pulmonary manifestations and management of proteus syndrome. J Formos Med Assoc. 2010 May;109(5):397-400.

2. Li CY, Chen WC, Yang SH, Lee YC. A rare complication of esophageal stent: spinal epidural abscess. Ann Thorac Surg. 2009 Nov;88(5):1700-2.

3. Li CY, Huang PM, Huang KW, Lee YC. Surgery for Boerhaaves syndrome with esophageal varices: report of a case. Esophgaus. 2010 7:127-9.

4. Li CY, Lee JM, Hunag PM, Lee YC. Surgical outcomes of different approaches in treating Boerhaaves syndrome. Thorac Med. 2010 25(4):168-174

5. Li CY, Kuo SW, Lee JM. A case report with life-threatening
complications related minocyc;ine pleurodesis. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Sep;92(3):1122-4

6. Li CY, Chang YL, Chen WC, Lee YC. Pulmonary manifestations and management of proteus syndrome. J Formos Med Assoc. 2010 May;109(5):397-400.

7. Li CY, Chang YL, Lee YC. Human pulmonary dirofilariasis coexisting with intercostal neurilemmoma: A case report and literature review. J Formos Med Assoc. 2013


8. Li CY, Huang PM, Chu PY, Chen PM, Lin MW, Kuo SW, Lee JM. Predictors of Survival in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Pathologic Major Response after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy and Surgery: The Impact of Chemotherapy Protocols. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016

9. Wu MY, Yiang GT, Liao WT, Tsai AP, Cheng YL, Cheng PW, Li CY. Current Mechanistic Concepts in Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2018;46(4):1650-1667.(equal corresponder)

10. Chen HJ, Chung YL, Li CY, Chang YT, Wang CCN, Lee HY, Lin HY, Hung CC Taxifolin Resensitizes Multidrug Resistance Cancer Cells via Uncompetitive Inhibition of P-Glycoprotein Function. Molecules. 2018 Nov 22;23(12) (equal first author)

11. Mai CM, Li CY Chemical colitis in posterior mediastinum colonic conduit. Formos J Surg 2018;51:238-40

12. Wang CCN, Li CY, Cai JH, Sheu PC, Tsai JJP, Wu MY, Li CJ, Hou MF. Identification of Prognostic Candidate Genes in Breast Cancer by Integrated Bioinformatic Analysis. J Clin Med. 2019 Aug 2;8(8)

13. Li CY, Cai JH, Tsai JJP, Wang CCN. Identification of Hub Genes Associated With Development of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Integrated Bioinformatics Analysis. Front Oncol. 2020 May 22;10:681.

14. Huang JH, Pai CC, Li CY Cardiogenic Failure Caused by Giant Intrathoracic Liposarcoma. Ann Thorac Surg. Ann Thorac Surg. 2021 Jan;111(1)

15. Cheng YH, Huang YH, Li CY. Swyer-James-MacLeod syndrome with left spontaneous pneumothorax: A case report. Asian J Surg. 2021 Jun;44(6):913-914.

16. Chen ML, Li CY. Thoracic Endometriosis. N Engl J Med. 2021 Nov 4;385(19)

17. Chan YC.; Li CY.; Lai CW.; Wu MW.; Tseng HJ.; Chang CC. Synthesis and Application in Cell Imaging of Acridone Derivatives. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8708

18. Tung CB, Li CY, Lin HY. Multi-Omics Reveal the Immunological Role and the Theragnostic Value of miR-216a/GDF15 Axis in Human Colon Adenocarcinoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 20;22(24):13636. doi: 10.3390/ijms222413636. PMID: 34948431; PMCID: PMC8703770.

19. Chan YK, Li CY. Vocal-Cord polyp Causing Airway Obstruction. Engl J Med 2024;390: e4

