

中山醫學大學附設醫院泌尿科主治醫師; 醫學系/醫學研究所部定副教授

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  • 泌尿道結石:體外震波碎石、軟式輸尿管內視鏡、內視鏡腎結石微創手術
  • 疝氣(脫腸):微創腹腔鏡疝氣手術
  • 泌尿道腫瘤:泌尿相關腫瘤檢查、治療與手術
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  • 性傳染病友善門診:傳染病篩檢、生殖器贅生物、分泌物
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  • 中山醫大附設醫院-優良臨床教師
  • 中山醫學大學醫學系申請入學口試與書審委員
  • 中山醫學大學醫學研究所入學口試委員
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  • 永信李天德醫藥科技獎評審委員
  • 日本泌尿醫學會最佳國際報告獎
  • 中山醫學大學醫學系醫學士
  • 中山醫學大學醫學研究所博士
  • 中山醫學大學醫學分子毒理學研究所博士

1. Sung MT, Huang HE, Chang YC, Yu CY, Luo HL*, Sung WW*. Anticancer Potential of Isoalantolactone in Testicular Cancer: An Analysis of Cytotoxicity, Apoptosis, and Signaling Pathways. Aging (Albany NY). (accepted) (*corresponding author)
2. Chang YC, Yu CY, Dong C, Chen SL, Sung WW*. Divergent histopathological and molecular patterns in chemically induced interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome rat models. Sci Rep. (accepted) (*corresponding author)
3. Yeh PS, Liu CT, Yu CY, Chang YC, Lin SY, Li YC, Luan YZ*, Sung WW*. Crebanine, an aporphine alkaloid, induces cancer cell apoptosis through PI3K-Akt pathway in glioblastoma multiforme. Front Pharmacol. (accepted) (*corresponding author)
4. Wu MY, Luo HL, Chang YC, Yu CY, Sung WW*. Exercise may improve lung immunity after surgical stress: evidence from a nephrectomy model via a bioinformatic analysis. PLoS One. (accepted) (*corresponding author)
5. Yang TH, Chang YC, Yu CY, Sung WW*, Lee TH* Correlation Between CT Density, Incidence, Mortality, and Mortality-to-Incidence Ratio in Central Nervous System Cancers: An Exploratory Analysis of Global Data. In Vivo. (accepted) (*corresponding author)
6. Chang NW, Huang YH, Sung WW, Chen SL. Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma with or without Kidney Transplantation. J Clin Med. 2024 Mar 22;13(7):1831.
7. Shih CH, Lin YH, Luo HL, Sung WW*. Antibody-drug conjugates targeting HER2 for the treatment of urothelial carcinoma: potential therapies for HER2-positive urothelial carcinoma. Front Pharmacol. 2024 Mar 20;15:1326296. (*corresponding author)
8. Wang CC, Huang JY, Weng LH, Hsu YC, Sung WW, Huang CY, Lin CC, Wei JC, Tsai MC. Association between Cholecystectomy and the Incidence of Pancreaticobiliary Cancer after Endoscopic Choledocholithiasis Management. Cancers (Basel). 2024 Feb 28;16(5):977.
9. Tsai MC, Yen HH, Tsai HY, Huang YK, Luo YS, Kornelius E, Sung WW, Lin CC, Tseng MH, Wang CC. Artificial intelligence system for the detection of Barrett’s esophagus. World J Gastroenterol. 2023 Dec 28;29(48):6198-6207.
10. Wang SC, Hsu HC, Chang YC, Yu CY, Liu CT, Sung WW*. Melatonin Exhibits Partial Protective Effects against Gemcitabine- and Cisplatin-Induced Kidney and Reproductive Injuries in Mice. Aging (Albany NY). 2023 Dec 14;15(23):14372-14383. (*corresponding author)
11. Sung WW*. Re: Wei Shen Tan, Ian M. McElree, Facundo Davaro, et al. Sequential Intravesical Gemcitabine and Docetaxel Is an Alternative to Bacillus Calmette-Guérin for the Treatment of Intermediate-risk Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer. Eur Urol Oncol. 2023 Sep 5:S2588-9311(23)00171-2. (*corresponding author)
12. Chien TL, Wu YC, Lee HL, Sung WW, Yu CY, Chang YC, Lin CC, Wang CC, Tsai MC. PNU-74654 Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Inhibits EMT Progression in Pancreatic Cancer. Medicina (Kaunas). 2023 Aug 24;59(9):1531.
13. Dong C, Sung WW*. Characterization of Gender Differences in H-index Within Urological Subspecialties. Letter. J Urol. 2023 Oct;210(4):585. (*corresponding author)
14. Peng CK, Wang SC, Chen SL*, Sung WW*. Multimodal Biomarkers That Predict the Presence of Gleason Pattern 4: Potential Impact for Active Surveillance. Letter. J Urol. 2023 Oct;210(4):580-581. (*corresponding author)
15. Hsiao PR, Sung WW*. Re: Disparities and Trends in Genitourinary Cancer Incidence and Mortality in the USA. Eur Urol. 2023 Jul;84(1):117-126. Eur Urol. 2023 Jul 22:S0302-2838(23)02970-6. (*corresponding author)
16. Peng CK, Sung WW*. Pathological and Clinical Outcomes in a Large Surveillance and Intervention Cohort of Radiographically Cystic Renal Masses. J Urol. 2023 Sep;210(3):408-409. (*corresponding author)
17. Ho CJ, Huang YH, Hsieh TY, Yang MH, Wang SC, Chen WJ, Sung WW, Chen SL. New Hydronephrosis in the Native Kidney Is Associated with the Development of De Novo Urinary Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma in Patients with Post-Kidney Transplantation. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Apr 23;11(9):1209.
18. Lu XP, Sung WW, Weng JH, Weng JH, Hsia JY, Kao PF. Bladder Distention Demonstrating Vesicourachal Diverticulum on 18 F-FDG PET/CT Images of a Lung Cancer Patient. Clin Nucl Med. 2023 Jul 1;48(7):610-611.
19. Hsieh TY#, Sung WW#, Chang YC, Yu CY, Lu LY, Dong C, Lee TH, Chen SL. Melatonin induces cell cycle arrest and suppresses tumor invasion in urinary bladder urothelial carcinoma. Aging (Albany NY) (IF: 5.68; Q2). 2023 Apr 21;15. (#equal contribution)
20. Peng CK, Sung WW*, Chen SL*. Clinical Efficacy of Neoadjuvant Intravesical Mitomycin-C Therapy Immediately Before Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor in Patients With Nonmuscle-invasive Bladder Cancer: Preliminary Results of a Prospective, Randomized Phase II Study. Letter. J Urol. 2023 Mar 9. (*corresponding author)
21. Wang YT, Chen BS, Wu HR, Chang YC, Yu CY, Sung WW*. Favorable Mortality-to-Incidence Ratio Trends of Lung Cancer in Countries with High Computed Tomography Density. Medicina (Kaunas). 2023 Feb 9;59(2):322. (*corresponding author)
22. Chen KY, Chen SL, Sung WW*. Re: Yosuke Yasuda, J.J.H. Zhang, Worapat Attawettayanon, et al. Comprehensive Management of Renal Masses in Solitary Kidneys. Eur Urol Oncol. 2023 Feb 16. (*corresponding author)
23. Peng CK, Sung WW*. Urinary Analysis of FGFR3 and TERT Gene Mutations Enhances Performance of Cxbladder Tests and Improves Patient Risk Stratification. Letter. J Urol. 2023 Apr;209(4):676-677. (*corresponding author)
24. Su CC, Chen BS, Chen HH, Sung WW, Wang CC, Tsai MC. Improved Trends in the Mortality-to-Incidence Ratios for Liver Cancer in Countries with High Development Index and Health Expenditures. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Jan 4;11(2):159.
25. Wang CC, Su CC, Huang YP, Huang WH, Tsai TY, Sung WW, Yang TW, Lin JT, Lin CC, Yen HH, Tsai MC. Subsequent Cholecystectomy Improve Recurrent Biliary Event-Free Survival in High-Risk Acute Cholecystitis Patients after Gallbladder Drainage. Adv Dig Med. 2023; 1-8.
26. Chen KY, Wang SC, Chen SL, Sung WW*. A Comparison of Percutaneous Ablation Therapy to Partial Nephrectomy for cT1a Renal Cancers: Results From the Canadian Kidney Cancer Information System. Letter. J Urol. 2023 Apr;209(4):675. (*corresponding author)
27. Dong C, Fu JT, Wu HR, Chao YC, Chen YC, Sung WW, Chen WJ, Chen CJ. Mortality-to-Incidence Ratio for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Is Associated with Health Expenditure. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Aug 25;10(9):1615.
28. Peng CK, Tsao CH, Sung WW, Wang SC, Chen WJ, Hsieh TY, Yang MH, Lee TH, Chen SL. The Impact of Transoral Robotic Surgery on Erectile Dysfunction and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Male Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Aug 26;10(9):1633.
29. Wu MY, Wang CC, Chang YC, Yu CY, Sung WW, Chen CJ, Tsai MC. The Therapeutic Role of PNU-74654 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma May Involve Suppression of NF-κB Signaling. Medicina 2022, 58(6), 798.
30. Chen WJ#, Sung WW#, Yu CY, Luan YZ, Chang YC, Chen SL, Lee TH. PNU-74654 Suppresses TNFR1/IKB Alpha/p65 Signaling and Induces Cell Death in Testicular Cancer. Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 2022, 44(1), 222-232. (#equal contribution)
31. Yen YA, Wang CC, Sung WW, Fang KC, Huang SM, Lin CC, Tsai MC, Yang TW. Intragastric injection of botulinum toxin A for weight loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Apr 5. 2022 Jun;37(6):983-992.
32. Chen JT, Wang SC, Chen BS, Chang YC, Yu CY, Sung WW*, Song TY*. NPS-1034 Induce Cell Death with Suppression of TNFR1/NF-κB Signaling in Testicular Cancer. Medicina (Kaunas). 2022 Feb 27;58(3):355. (*corresponding author)
33. Dong C, Chen SL, Sung WW*. Re: Karin Welén, Ebba Rosendal, Magnus Gisslén, et al. A Phase 2 Trial of the Effect of Antiandrogen Therapy on COVID-19 Outcome: No Evidence of Benefit, Supported by Epidemiology and In Vitro Data. Eur Urol. 2022;81:285-293. Eur Urol. 2022 May;81(5):e123. (*corresponding author)
34. Wang SC, Yu CY, Wu YC, Chang YC, Chen SL, Sung WW*. Chidamide and mitomycin C exert synergistic cytotoxic effects against bladder cancer cells in vitro and suppress tumor growth in a rat bladder cancer model. Cancer Lett. 2022 Apr 1;530:8-15. (*corresponding author)
35. Yang TW, Wang CC, Sung WW, Ting WC, Lin CC, Tsai MC. The effect of coffee/caffeine on postoperative ileus following elective colorectal surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2022 Mar;37(3):623-630.
36. Wang CC, Sung WW, Yan PY, Ko PY, Tsai MC. Favorable colorectal cancer mortality-to-incidence ratios in countries with high expenditures on health and development index: A study based on GLOBOCAN database. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Oct 15;100(41):e27414.
37. Ho CJ, Huang YH, Hsieh TY, Yang MH, Wang SC, Chen WJ, Lee TH, Sung WW, Chen SL. Native Kidney Hydronephrosis Is Associated with Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma in Post-Kidney Transplantation Patients. J Clin Med. 2021 Sep 28;10(19):4474.
38. Wang SC, Chang YC, Wu MY, Yu CY, Chen SL, Sung WW*. Intravesical instillation of azacitidine suppresses tumor formation through TNF-R1 and TRAIL-R2 signaling in genotoxic carcinogen-induced bladder cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Aug 4;13(16):3933. (*corresponding author)
39. Yang TW, Wang CC, Hung WC, Liu YH, Sung WW, Tsai MC. Improvement in the Mortality-to-Incidence Ratios for Gastric Cancer in Developed Countries With High Health Expenditures. Front Public Health. 2021 Aug 17;9:713895.
40. Sung WW#, Hsu YC#, Dong C, Chen YC, Chao YC, Chen CJ. Favorable Lip and Oral Cancer Mortality-to-Incidence Ratios in Countries with High Human Development Index and Expenditures on Health. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jun 3;18(11):6012. (#equal contribution)
41. Lin KY, Su TC, Yeh CM, Chao WR, Sung WW*. High Expression of MTA1 Predicts Unfavorable Survival in Patients With Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. In Vivo. 2021 Jul-Aug;35(4):2363-2368. (*corresponding author)
42. Sung WW#, Au KK#, Wu HR, Yu CY, Wang YC. Improved trends of lung cancer mortality-to-incidence ratios in countries with high healthcare expenditure. Thorac Cancer. 2021 Jun;12(11):1656-1661. (#equal contribution)
43. Wu MY, Yang MH, Sung WW*. The treatment of renal cell carcinoma with the c-met inhibitor cabozantinib: mechanisms and clinical trials. Int J Clin Exp Med 2021 May;14(5):1831-1842. (*corresponding author)
44. Chia KJ, Lin LH, Sung MT, Su TM, Huang JF, Lee HL, Sung WW, Lee TH. Acute spontaneous thoracic epidural hematoma associated with intraspinal lymphangioma: A case report. World J Clin Cases. 2021 May 16;9(14):3411-3417.
45. Wang CC, Tseng MH, Wu SW, Yang TW, Chen HY, Sung WW, Su CC, Wang YT, Chen WL, Lai HC, Lin CC, Tsai MC. Symptomatic cholelithiasis patients have an increased risk of pancreatic cancer: A population-based study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 May;36(5):1187-1196.
46. Yu WN, Lin HF, Lee YI, Shia WC, Sung WW, Yeh CM, Lin YM. PBK Expression Is Associated with Prognosis of Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated With Radiotherapy: A Retrospective Study. Anticancer Res. 2021 Apr;41(4):2177-2182.
47. Lan C, Sung WW, Ho SW. Man With Fever and Groin Mass. Ann Emerg Med. 2021 Apr;77(4):e93-e94.
48. Wang CC, Tseng MH, Wu SW, Yang TW, Sung WW, Wang YT, Lee HL, Shiu BH, Lin CC, Tsai MC. The Role of Series Cholecystectomy in High Risk Acute Cholecystitis Patients Who Underwent Gallbladder Drainage. Front Surg. 2021 Feb 15;8:630916.
49. Huang CY, Wang SC, Chan L, Hsieh TY, Sung WW*, Chen SL*. Gender differences in trends of bladder cancer mortality-to-incidence ratios according to health expenditure in 55 countries. PLoS One. 2021 Feb 12;16(2): e0244510. (*corresponding author)
50. Wang SC, Chang NW, Chen WJ, Yang MH, Chen SL*, Sung WW*. Trends of Testicular Cancer Mortality-to-Incidence Ratios in Relation to Health Expenditure: An Ecological Study of 54 Countries. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Feb 6;18(4):1546. (*corresponding author)
51. Sung WW, Ko PY, Chen WJ, Wang SC, Chen SL. Trends in the kidney cancer mortality-to-incidence ratios according to health care expenditures of 56 countries. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 14;11(1):1479.
52. Huang RH, Yang WK, Wu CM, Yeh CM, Sung WW*. Over-expression of CEP55 Predicts Favorable Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer Patients with Lymph Node Involvement. Anticancer Research 2021; 41 (1): 543-547. (*corresponding author)
53. Yeh CM, Lee YJ, Ko PY, Lin YM*, Sung WW*. High Expression of KLF10 Is Associated with Favorable Survival in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Medicina (Kaunas). 2020 Dec 28;57(1):E17. (*corresponding author)
54. Wang CC, Tseng MH, Wu SW, Yang TW, Chen HY, Sung WW, Su CC, Wang YT, Lin CC, Tsai MC. Cholecystectomy reduces subsequent cholangiocarcinoma risk in choledocholithiasis patients undergoing endoscopic intervention. World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2020 Dec 15;12(12):1381-1393.
55. Wang SC, Chan L, Hsieh ZY, Wang CH, Chen SL, Sung WW*. Limited improvement in prostate cancer mortality-to-incidence ratios in countries with high health care expenditures. Aging (Albany NY). 2020 Nov 12;12(21):21308-21315. (*corresponding author)
56. Lin YM, Chen ML, Chen CL, Yeh CM, Sung WW*. Overexpression of EIF5A2 Predicts Poor Prognosis in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Jun 27;10(7):E436. (*corresponding author)
57. Wang CC, Yang TW, Sung WW, Tsai MC. Current Endoscopic Management of Malignant Biliary Stricture. Medicina (Kaunas). 2020 Mar 5;56(3). pii: E114.
58. Lee YJ, Chan L, Yeh CM, Lee CH*, Sung WW*. Overexpression of KLF17 Predicts a Favorable Prognosis in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study. Medicina (Kaunas). 2020 Jan 30;56(2). pii: E57. (*corresponding author)
59. Chen WJ, Huang CY, Huang YH, Wang SC, Hsieh TY, Chen SL, Sung WW*, Lee TH*. Correlations between Mortality-to-Incidence Ratios and Health Care Disparities in Testicular Cancer. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Dec 23;17(1). pii: E130. (*equal contribution)
60. Yang TH, Chang CS, Sung WW, Liu JT. Lumboperitoneal Shunt: A New Modified Surgical Technique and a Comparison of the Complications with Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt in a Single Center. Medicina (Kaunas). 2019 Sep 26;55(10). pii: E643.
61. Lee TH#, Sung WW#, Chan L, Lee HL, Chen SL, Huang YH, Kwan AL. The Association between Mortality-to-Incidence Ratios and Health Expenditures in Brain and Nervous System Cancers. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Jul 31;16(15). pii: E2739. (#equal contribution)
62. Wang CC, Tsai MC, Wang SC, Peng CM, Lee HL, Chen HY, Yang TW, Lin CC*, Sung WW*. Favorable Gallbladder Cancer Mortality-To-Incidence Ratios of Countries with Good Ranking of World’s Health System and High Expenditures on Health. BMC Public Health. 2019 Jul 31;19(1):1025. (*corresponding author)
63. Chen ML, Ho CJ, Yeh CM, Sung WW, Chen SL, Wang SC, Chen CJ. High SPOCK1 expression is associated with advanced stage, T value, and Gleason grade in prostate cancer. Medicina. 2019 Jul 5;55(7). pii: E343.
64. Lee TH, Huang YH, Su TM, Chen CF, Lu CH, Lee HL, Tsai HP, Sung WW*, Kwan AL*. Predictive Factors of 2-Year Postoperative Outcomes in Patients with Spontaneous Cerebellar Hemorrhage. J Clin Med. 2019 Jun 8;8(6). pii: E818. (*corresponding author)
65. Wang CC, Tsai MC, Sung WW, Yang TW, Chen HY, Wang YT, Su CC, Tseng MH, Lin CC. Risk of cholangiocarcinoma in patients undergoing therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or cholecystectomy: A population based study. World J Gastrointest Oncol. Mar 15, 2019; 11(3): 238-249.
66. Wang CC, Tsai MC, Wang YT, Yang TW, Chen HY, Sung WW, Huang SM, Tseng MH, Lin CC. Role of Cholecystectomy in Choledocholithiasis Patients Underwent Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 18;9(1):2168.
67. Huang CY, Au KK, Chen SL, Wang SC, Liao CY, Hsu HH, Sung WW*, Wang YC*. Unfavorable Mortality-To-Incidence Ratio of Lung Cancer is Associated with Health Care Disparity. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Dec 13;15(12). pii: E2889. (*corresponding author)
68. Su TC, Chen CY, Tsai WC, Hsu HT, Yen HH, Sung WW*, Chen CJ*. Cytoplasmic, Nuclear, and Total PBK/TOPK Expression is Associated with Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer Patients: a Retrospective Analysis Based on Immunohistochemistry Stain of Tissue Microarrays. PLoS One. 2018 Oct 4;13(10):e0204866. (*corresponding author)
69. Tsai MC, Yang TW, Wang CC, Wang YT, Sung WW, Tseng MH, Lin CC. Favorable clinical outcome of nonalcoholic liver cirrhosis patients with coronary artery disease: A population-based study. World J Gastroenterol. 2018 Aug 21;24(31):3547-3555.
70. Sung WW, Wang SC, Hsieh TY, Ho CJ, Huang CY, Kao YL, Chen WJ, Chen SL. Favorable mortality-to-incidence ratios of kidney cancer are associated with advanced health care systems. BMC Cancer. 2018 Aug 6;18(1):792.
71. Lee HL, Peng CM, Huang CY, Wu SY, Tsai MC, Wang CC, Chen SL, Lin CC, Huang CN, Sung WW*. Is mortality-to-incidence ratio associated with health disparity in pancreatic cancer? A cross-sectional database analysis of 57 countries. BMJ Open. 2018 Jul 6;8(7):e020618. (*corresponding author)
72. Chang CC, Sung WW, Hsu HT, Yeh CM, Lee CH, Chen YL, Liu YC, Yeh KT. Validation of EGFL6 expression as a prognostic marker in lung adenocarcinoma patients in Taiwan: a retrospective study. BMJ Open. 2018 Jun 22;8(6):e021385.
73. Tsai MC, Wang CC, Lee HL, Peng CM, Yang TW, Chen HY, Sung WW*, Lin CC*. Health Disparities Are Associated with Gastric Cancer Mortality-To-Incidence Ratios in 57 Countries. World J Gastroenterol. 2017 Nov 28;23(44):7881-7887. (*corresponding author)
74. Wang CC, Tsai MC, Peng CM, Lee HL, Chen HY, Yang TW, Sung WW*, Lin CC*. Favorable Liver Cancer Mortality-To-Incidence Ratios of Countries with High Health Expenditure. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Dec;29(12):1397-1401. (*corresponding author)
75. Wang SC#, Sung WW#, Kao YL, Hsieh TY, Chen WJ, Chen SL, Chang HR. The gender difference and mortality-to-incidence ratio relate to health care disparities in bladder cancer: National estimates from 33 countries. Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 28;7(1):4360. (#equal contribution)
76. Hsu LS, Huang RH, Lai HW, Hsu HT, Sung WW, Hsieh MJ, Wu CY, Lin YM, Chen MK, Lo YS, Chen CJ. KLF6 inhibited oral cancer migration and invasion via downregulation of mesenchymal markers and inhibition of MMP-9 activities. Int J Med Sci. 2017 Apr 9;14(6):530-535.
77. Chen CJ, Sung WW, Chen HC, Chern YJ, Hsu HT, Lin YM, Lin SH, Peck K, Yeh KT. Early Assessment of Colorectal Cancer by Quantifying Circulating Tumor Cells in Peripheral Blood. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Mar 31;18(4). pii: E743.
78. Su HA, Sun PL, Sung WW, Cheng SY, Chang HC, Yang JH, Hsiao YP. Deep Dermatophytosis Caused by Zoophilic Strain of Trichophyton interdigitale with Successful Treatment of Itraconazole. Mycopathologia. 2017 Aug;182(7-8):715-720.
79. Chen SL, Wang SC, Ho CJ, Kao YL, Hsieh TY, Chen WJ, Chen CJ, Wu PR, Ko JL, Lee H, Sung WW*. Prostate Cancer Mortality-To-Incidence Ratios Are Associated with Cancer Care Disparities in 35 Countries. Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 4;7:40003. (*corresponding author)
80. Chiu LY, Hsin IL, Yang TY, Sung WW, Chi JY, Chang JT, Ko JL, Sheu GT. The ERK-ZEB1 pathway mediates epithelial-mesenchymal transition in pemetrexed resistant lung cancer cells with suppression by vinca alkaloids. Oncogene. 2017 Jan 12;36(2):242-253.
81. Chang CF, Chen SL, Sung WW, Hsieh MJ, Hsu HT, Chen LH, Chen MK, Ko JL, Chen CJ, Chou MC. PBK/TOPK Expression Predicts Prognosis in Oral Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Jun 24;17(7). pii: E1007.
82. Lee CH, Chen SL, Sung WW, Lai HW, Hsieh MJ, Yen HH, Su TC, Chiou YH, Chen CY, Lin CY, Chen ML*, Chen CJ*. The Prognostic Role of STEAP1 Expression Determined via Immunohistochemistry Staining in Predicting Prognosis of Primary Colorectal Cancer: A Survival Analysis. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Apr 19;17(4). pii: E592.
83. Yeh CM#, Sung WW#, Lai HW, Hsieh MJ, Yen HH, Su TC, Chang WH, Chen CY, Ko JL, Chen CJ. Opposing Prognostic Roles of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic RACGAP1 Expression in Colorectal Cancer Patients. Hum Pathol. 2016 Jan;47(1):45-51. (#equal contribution)
84. Lin YM#, Sung WW#, Hsieh MJ, Tsai SC, Lai HW, Yang SM, Shen KH, Chen MK, Lee H, Yeh KT, Chen CJ. High PD-L1 Expression Correlates with Metastasis and Poor Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 12;10(11):e0142656. (#equal contribution)
85. Hwang JC, Sung WW, Tu HP, Hsieh KC, Yeh CM, Chen CJ, Tai HC, Hsu CT, Shieh GS, Chang JG, Yeh KT, Liu TC. The Overexpression of FEN1 and RAD54B May Act as Independent Prognostic Factors of Lung Adenocarcinoma. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 2;10(10):e0139435.
86. Sung WW, Lin YM, Wu PR, Yen HH, Lai HW, Su TC, Huang RH, Wen CK, Chen CY, Chen CJ, Yeh KT. High nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio of Cdk1 expression predicts poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients. BMC Cancer. 2014 Dec 15;14:951.
87. Wu DW, Chuang CY, Lin WL, Sung WW, Cheng YW, Lee H. Paxillin promotes tumor progression and predicts survival and relapse in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma by microRNA-218 targeting. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Aug;35(8):1823-9.
88. Sung WW and Lee H. The Role of Interleukin-10 in Tumor Progression of Human Papillomavirus-Associated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. OncoImmunology. 2013 Sep 1;2(9):e25854.
89. Sung WW, Wang YC, Lin PL, Cheng YW, Chen CY, Wu TC, Lee H. IL-10 Promotes Tumor Aggressiveness via Upregulation of CIP2A Transcription in Lung Adenocarcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Aug 1;19(15):4092-103. (CCR Highlights)
90. Wang YC#, Sung WW#, Wang L, Cheng YW, Chen CY, Wu TC, Shieh SH, Lee H. Different Impact of IL10 Haplotype on Prognosis in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2013 Jun;33(6):2729-35. (#equal contribution)
91. Tang SC, Wu CH, Lai CH, Sung WW, Yang WJ, Tang LC, Hsu CP, Ko JL. Glutathione s-transferase mu2 suppresses cancer cell metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer. Mol Cancer Res. 2013 May;11(5):518-29.
92. Chen CJ, Sung WW, Su TC, Chen MK, Wu PR, Yeh KT, Ko JL, Lee H. High expression of interleukin 10 might predict poor prognosis in early stage oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Clin Chim Acta. 2013 Jan 16;415:25-30.
93. Chen CJ, Sung WW, Lin YM, Chen MK, Lee CH, Lee H, Yeh KT, Ko JL. Gender difference in the prognostic role of interleukin 6 in oral squamous cell carcinoma. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e50104.
94. Chuang CY#, Sung WW#, Wang L, Lin WL, Yeh KT, Su MC, Hsin CH, Lee SY, Wu BC, Cheng YW, Lee H. Differential impact of IL-10 expression on survival and relapse between HPV16-positive and -negative oral squamous cell carcinomas. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e47541. (*equal contribution)
95. Chen TH, Huang CC, Yeh KT, Chang SH, Chang SW, Sung WW, Cheng YW, Lee H. Human papilloma virus 16 E6 oncoprotein associated with p53 inactivation in colorectal cancer. World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Aug 14;18(30):4051-8.
96. Wang YC#, Sung WW#, Wu TC, Wang L, Chien WP, Cheng YW, Chen CY, Shieh SH, Lee H. Interleukin-10 haplotype may predict survival and relapse in resected non-small cell lung cancer. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e39525. (#equal contribution)
97. Tsai LL, Yu CC, Lo JF, Sung WW, Lee H, Chen SL, Chou MY. Enhanced cisplatin resistance in oral-cancer stem-like cells is correlated with upregulation of excision-repair cross-complementation group 1. J Dent Sci. 2012 Jun; 7(2):111–7.
98. Sung WW, Wang YC, Cheng YW, Lee MC, Yeh KT, Wang J, Chen CY, Lee H. A polymorphic -844T/C in fasl promoter predicts survival and relapse in non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Sep 15;17(18):5991-9. (CCR Highlights)

